Cykloexpedice Galaxy Thajsko 2019

Po roce opět vyrazila dvojice cestovatelů Pavel Osadčí a Ruda Trecha s vybavením GALAXY SKYLAB tentokrát na 24 dní do středního Thajska.
13.2.2019 odlet do Bangkoku do již známého centra cyklocestovatelů Nest boutique resort.
15.2. ráno vyrážíme na cestu směrem Ayutthaya hlavně po vedlejších cestách a silničkách. Chceme navštívit památky i přírodní parky, taky moře někde u Petchanburi a zpátky do Bangkoku.
O zážitky se brzy podělíme.
22.2.2019 Cesta do Ayutthayi po rovinách na dvě etapy. Cestou nás doprovodili místní cyklistické. V Ayutthay jsme navštívili chrámové rujny(unesco) i večerní trhy. Také vodní trh s lodní vyjížďkou. Po dvou dnech jedeme směrem Kanchanaburi 2 dny. Most přes řeku Kwae a hřbitov amerických vojáků. Odtud na národní park Erawan s vodopády a přehradní nádrží. Dva dny. Čeká nás cesta směrem Sai Yok a pod Barmu do hor. Horko neustává. Takové jsme tu ještě nezažili. Kolo Galaxy Skylab zase bez poruchy.
Making Money In A Wired World There are many people that make many outrageous claims online on how to making money online and a dozen work at home scams are rolled out every week. This article cuts through the online hype and expl [read more..]
New Antidepressant Treatment Involves Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an experimental antidepression treatment that proved to be more effective than sham therapy in a large scale. A sham therapy, also called placebo therapy, is [read more..]
Before You Bring Your New Pit Bull Puppy Home: Dog Owner Advice There are several things one should consider before adding a Pit Bull terrier to your household. As with any and all breeds of dogs, Pit Bulls have their own individual quirks and personalities that s [read more..]
Advantages to Making Your Own YouTube Videos Are you a fan of YouTube? If you enjoy watching free videos online, from a number of different genres, you may be a huge fan of YouTube. Although many internet users only watch videos on YouTube, th [read more..]
7 Tips To Enjoy Walt Disney World On A Hot Summer Day Orlando is a hot part of the earth and come summer the humidity and temperature can reach triple digits. Worse still, weeks of heat occur exactly when school is out and families head to Walt Disney Wo [read more..]
A Useful Home Schooling Article Interest in home schooling has been growing. In fact, More and more families want to try out this seemingly novel method of teaching and educating children. Home schooling provides many benefits for f [read more..]
Cynthia McKinney – Green Cynthia McKinney was born March 17, 1955, in Atlanta, Georgia. She was the daughter of Billy McKinney a former Georgia State Representative and one of Atlanta's first Black law enforcement office [read more..]
Why You Should Avoid Developing A Website In Flash If you know anything about website design, or anything about the Internet in general, then you have probably heard of flash. There are actually lots of websites and advertisements online that utilize [read more..]
Health Savings Account Brokerage As required by the Federal law, contributions to health savings account brokerage are a must. It is held by an authorized custodian where it can be deposited in any certified HSA administrator which i [read more..]
High Definition DVD The Format Wars Second Act Once again, there is a technology format war looming on the horizon. Many people dont remember the VHS – Betamax battle that broke out when video players were first introduced, making it possible for [read more..]
How To Compare Low Cost Car Insurance In California Without a doubt the best way to find low cost car insurance in California is to compare prices. Although the process of contacting several agents to get quotes may seem a bit tedious and time consumin [read more..]
How do the work home gurus make 4k a day A: They make sure that their links pop up, on the first page of the search engine's search results. They are gunning for the top 10, search engine results, on all of the popular search engines. T [read more..]
Working Mums – Juggling Business And The Children Women in business numbers are rising rapidly. Being your own boss and working from home is a popular option for women who want to fit work around their children. Around half a million women in the UK [read more..]
Backpacking Trip Many people are looking for a more active and healthy alterenative to the typical vacation. Some are heading out into various beautiful wilderness areas on backpacking trips. Or they may be traveling [read more..]
Liver Detox: The Basics Known as the Chief of Staff by the Taoist literature, the liver is a powerful bodily organ that performs a number of functions for the body to stay healthy In the first place, it takes the role of being the factory or warehouse for the metabolic elements, nutrients and even wastes. It stores and manages all the metabolic actions, whether hormonal, or in [read more..]
Is there someone on your gift list that absolutely stumps you Knowing the make of motorcycle your friend owns helps. Most motorcycle owners are fiercely loyal to their make of bike.A motorcycle shop is the first place to start when searching out the elusive moto [read more..]
Antioxidant Food Youre probably already familiar with antioxidant foods. If not your doctor, then youve probably heard about them more than once from your mom. Eat your veggies. An apple a day Sound familiar?While its [read more..]
B2B Marketers Do It, Too They use viral marketing by e-mail as a marketing tool… what did you think I meant? Viral marketing can work well for B2B providers, as long as the following is true:1.The product or service has to [read more..]
Mortgage Tips: Pros and Cons of Refinance Loans for People with Bad Credit If youre stuck under some high credit card bills and your credit rating is slipping, one of the best ways to immediately improve your credit is a home equity loan. When the loan closes, home owners h [read more..]
Looking for expert guidance on protecting assets while qualifying for Medicaid? As experienced elder law attorneys near me, our team at Ohio Medicaid Lawyers provides specialized legal assistance with Medicaid planning, estate planning, and asset protection strategies. We help seniors understand medicaid eligibility income charts and navigate the complex 5-year lookback period. Visit our website for comprehensive information about Ohio medicaid income limits 2024 and schedule a consultation with a trusted elder care attorney who can safeguard your future.
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