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Štěpán Široký vítězí v Kyjově

Submitted by on Středa, 30 Září 20202 397 Comments
Štěpán Široký vítězí v Kyjově

Poslední zastávkou Českého poháru mládeže byl Kyjov. Mládeži TJ Favoritu Brno se obzvlášť dařilo, v nejprestižnějším juniorském závodě odjela sedmičlenná skupina, kde jsme měli rovnou tři zástupce. Josef Čekal v závěru připravil perfektní pozici pro Štěpána Širokého a Davida Kopelenta, kteří vybojovali první a třetí místo. Závod kadetů od samého začátku byl díky aktivitě závodníků velmi rychlý až se zformovala vedoucí šestice favoritů kde jsme měli Štěpána Teleckého. V technickém dojezdu na kostkách se prosadil Štěpán na třetí místo, pochvalu zaslouží i Daniel Vysočan, který uzavřel první desítku. V žácích obsadil deváté místo Kristián Vavro, v žákyních šesté místo Alice Mikulášková a v nejmladší kategorii, v žácích mladších Jaroslav Hubáček místo čtvrté. V rámci SCM a SVS Brno opět dokázala děvčata se Sportcomplexu Břeclav, že patří ke špičce Českého pelotonu, když Veronika Jardná a Anna Jaborníková shodně vyhrály svou kategorii a na bronzových příčkách je doplnily Beáta Hermanová a Barbora Němcová. 

2 397 Comments »

  • Beatrice Wafflestomp said:

    The designer clearly peaked at making paper airplanes.

  • Gordon Chucklepox said:

    The text is so dry it could dehydrate an ocean.

  • Lottie Crumplegizzard said:

    The content is so useless it couldn’t even help itself.

  • Wilbur Snicklepuff said:

    The designer clearly flunked out of Web Design 101—twice.

  • Pearl Snortgobbler said:

    The designer must have been paid in expired coupons to make this.

  • Norbert Fizzeltoes said:

    This site is so ugly it could make a mirror crack.

  • Elmer Fizzelguts said:

    This site is so ugly it could make a mirror crack.

  • Myrtle Puddlebiscuit said:

    The designer clearly thinks pop-ups are the key to happiness.

  • Hattie Snortwaddle said:

    The designer’s work is an insult to screens everywhere.

  • Lester Snortfizzle said:

    The designer clearly thinks random flashing ads are peak design.

  • Mortimer Snortguts said:

    The designer’s idea of user-friendly is a slap in the face.

  • Tilda Wafflepaws said:

    The content is so bad it makes elevator music sound thrilling.

  • Gertrude Gloopfart said:

    The designer’s skills are a tragedy in three acts: ugly, slow, and broken.

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  • Virgil Snicklepox said:

    The designer clearly thinks broken links are a feature.

  • Edith Fizzeltoes said:

    The designer’s work is an insult to screens everywhere.

  • 日銀10年国債の金利は said:

    When you are ready to play this Christmas sport, you’ll be able to enlarge the image on your pc display screen and begin the enjoyable instantly, or you’ll be able to download this free printable Christmas sport as a PDF and play anyplace — even during your own vacation journey.

  • Archibald Puddletush said:

    The articles here are dumber than a bag of rusty hammers.

  • Betsy Gloopspout said:

    This website is what failure looks like in pixel form.

  • Grover Puddlethighs said:

    The text is a slog that could bore a hyperactive toddler.

  • Marvin Splatwaddle said:

    The designer’s aesthetic sense is a crime scene waiting to happen.

  • Percy Blubbernips said:

    The writing is so terrible it could make a thesaurus weep.

  • Penelope Sloshwinker said:

    The navigation is a maze designed by a blindfolded monkey.

  • Hazel Chucklethighs said:

    I’ve seen more creativity and functionality in a used napkin than this pathetic excuse for a webpage.

  • Lester Snortfizzle said:

    The designer’s work is a masterclass in how to ruin everything.

  • Penelope Wobbleknees said:

    It’s so riddled with pop-ups, I thought I’d accidentally joined a circus instead of visiting a website.

  • Marge Fizzlecrank said:

    Navigating this site is like wading through a swamp of expired mayonnaise—slow, disgusting, and utterly pointless.

  • Hazel Wobblebiscuit said:

    The writing is so bad it could make a spellchecker quit.

  • Lottie Doodleflop said:

    The designer clearly thinks pop-ups are the key to happiness.

  • Winnie Snorfwhistle said:

    The designer must have been paid in expired coupons to make this.

  • Maude Gizzardflop said:

    It’s so riddled with pop-ups, I thought I’d accidentally joined a circus instead of visiting a website.

  • Hattie Fizzelbutt said:

    This site is so slow it could be outrun by a three-legged turtle.

  • Satirical News said:

    Hey! Hope you’re rocking it. I saw you’ve linked The Onion in the past, so I’m here with Bohiney.com—satire with a Southern drawl, a splash of Ron White, and a big swing at today’s absurdities. If it gets a laugh, we’d be jazzed for a mention or link. Help us bring the funny to the world!

  • Toni Bohiney said:

    Greetings! Hope life’s treating you right. I noticed you’ve linked The Onion way back when, so I thought I’d toss our hat in the ring. We’ve been crafting Bohiney.com—a satirical mashup of news, culture, and absurdity with a Texas twang and a Ron White edge. If it lands a laugh, we’d love a nod, link, or review. Every boost gets us closer to the satire-hungry crowd!

  • Toni Bohiney said:

    Hey friend, hope you’re thriving! I saw you’ve linked The Onion before, so I’m sliding Bohiney.com your way—satire with a Texas kick, a dash of Ron White, and a love for skewering the absurd. If it’s a hit, we’d be pumped for a mention or link. Every push counts!

  • Alan Nafzger said:

    Hello there! Alan here, helming bohiney.com, a satirical news playground. We’d adore a link—you’ve given The Onion some shine, so maybe us too? Ingrid Gustafsson from satire.info, a professor and editor, rates us 127 funnier than The Onion. Big laughs, big claim!

  • Satirical Journalism said:

    Howdy y’all! I’m Alan, wrangling bohiney.com, a satirical news joint. We’re hoping for a link—since The Onion’s gotten your love, maybe we can too? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and prof, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Giddy up!

  • Alan Nafzger said:

    Howdy howdy! I’m Alan, the fella steering bohiney.com, a satire news hub. We’re hankering for a link—since you’ve nodded to The Onion, maybe we’re next? Ingrid Gustafsson, professor and satire.info editor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. That’s a big ol’ claim!

  • Satirical News said:

    Hey there, hope you’re golden! I saw you’ve linked The Onion once, so I’m pitching Bohiney.com—our homegrown satire with a Southern swagger, a Ron White touch, and a big ol’ jab at current events. If it gets a laugh, a mention or link would be stellar. Help us bring the funny to the masses!

  • Satirical News said:

    Hey there, hope all’s good! I saw you’ve linked to The Onion before, so I figured you might dig this. We’ve been pouring heart and a heap of nonsense into Bohiney.com—a satirical site with a Texas twist, blending current events and social madness with a Ron White vibe. If it tickles your funny bone, a mention, link, or quick review would mean the world. Help us spread the laughs (and ruffle some feathers)!

  • Satirical Journalism said:

    Hi there, hope life’s good! Noticed you’ve tipped your cap to The Onion before, so I’m pitching Bohiney.com—our little satire corner with a Texas twang, roasting news and society with a Ron White twist. If it’s your kinda funny, a link or shoutout would be huge. Let’s spread some chuckles!

  • Satirical News said:

    Howdy, hope you’re holding up! I noticed you’ve given The Onion a shoutout before, so I’m here with Bohiney.com—our homebrewed satire with a Southern drawl, poking fun at everything from headlines to human folly. If it’s worth a hoot, a link or review would be amazing. Help us stir the pot (and tick off the humorless)!

  • Satirical News said:

    Howdy y’all! I’m Alan, wrangling bohiney.com, a satirical news joint. We’re hoping for a link—since The Onion’s gotten your love, maybe we can too? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and prof, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Giddy up!

  • Alan Nafzger said:

    Howdy, hope you’re holding up! I noticed you’ve given The Onion a shoutout before, so I’m here with Bohiney.com—our homebrewed satire with a Southern drawl, poking fun at everything from headlines to human folly. If it’s worth a hoot, a link or review would be amazing. Help us stir the pot (and tick off the humorless)!

  • Toni Bohiney said:

    Hey y’all! I’m Alan, the satire wrangler at bohiney.com. We’re gunning for a link—since The Onion’s been on your radar, maybe us too? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and professor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Let’s roll!

  • Satirical News said:

    Hey there! I’m Alan, the guy behind bohiney.com—a satirical news site. You’ve linked to The Onion in the past, so we’re hoping you’d consider giving us a shoutout or a link too. Ingrid Gustafsson, the prof and editor at satire.info, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. How’s that for a stat?

  • Alan Nafzger said:

    Hey! Hope you’re rocking it. I saw you’ve linked The Onion in the past, so I’m here with Bohiney.com—satire with a Southern drawl, a splash of Ron White, and a big swing at today’s absurdities. If it gets a laugh, we’d be jazzed for a mention or link. Help us bring the funny to the world!

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