Šumavský pohár MTB 2022

Kalendář závodů Šumavského poháru MTB pro rok 2022.
Pro letošní rok se seriál skládá ze 6 závodů. Jako tradičně je součástí seriálu i zahraniční závod, který je současně závodem partnerského seriálu Bayerwald MTB CUP. Pro letošek jde o závod v německém Bad Griesbachu. Jinak se můžete těšit na prověřené lokality jako Nová Pec, Prachatice, Horní Planá a Vimperk. Tyto závody doplní pro letošek jeden nováček a to závod v Jistebnici pod vedením Ivana Rybaříka. Závod v Jistebnici otevře na začátku května letošní ročník Šumavského Poháru MTB 2022. Tak si do kalendáře poznamenejte termíny našich závodů a za pár měsíců na viděnou na startu prvního závodu v Jistebnici. Seriál obsahuje 6 závodů z toho jeden je pořádán v Německu (Bad Griesbach) jakou součást partnerského seriálu Bayerwald MTB CUP. Do celkového hodnocení se započítává 5 nejlepších výsledků ze 6 závodů.
Šumavský pohár MTB 2022
Aktuální informace najdete na stránkách seriálu http://jcp-mtb.cz/
První závod Šumavský pohár MTB 2022 – Jistebnice – Čertovo Břemeno
Sobota 7.5.2022
Jistebnice – Golf resort Čertovo Břemeno.
LYKO Klub Prachatice
Druhý závod Šumavský pohár MTB 2022 – Nová Pec
Neděle 8.5.2022
Nová Pec – Lipno
LYKO Klub Prachatice
Třetí závod Šumavský pohár MTB 2022 – Prachatice
Neděle 29.5.2022
Prachatice – Areál DM SPgŠ Zlatá stezka Prachatice 139
LYKO Klub Prachatice
Čtvrtý závod Šumavského poháru MTB 2022 – Horní Planá
Neděle 12.6.2022
Horní Planá, staré hřiště – Za hřbitovem u kostela Panny Marie Bolestné
Obec Horní Planá
Pátý závod Šumavský pohár MTB 2022 – Bad Griesbach
Neděle 11.9.2022
Bad Griesbach
RSV Bad Griesbach
Šestý závod Šumavský pohár MTB 2022 – Vimperk
Finálový závod Šumavského pohár MTB 2022
Neděle 18.9.2022
Vimperk, sportovní areál Vodník
Bike klub Vimperk
Hlavním organizátorem je LYKO klub Prachatice ve spolupráci s Bike klubem Vimperk
What’s up? Alan from bohiney.com, your satire news source, checking in. We’d love a link—since you’ve linked The Onion, we’re hoping for a nod too. Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and a professor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Laughs incoming!
Hey, hope you’re doing awesome! I saw you’ve shared The Onion before, and we’re hoping to sneak into your orbit too. Check out Bohiney.com—our homegrown satire site with a Texas swagger and a knack for skewering current events and societal weirdness. If it cracks you up, a mention or link would be gold. We’re just trying to spread some humor (and maybe some chaos)!
What’s up? Alan from bohiney.com, your satire news source, checking in. We’d love a link—since you’ve linked The Onion, we’re hoping for a nod too. Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and a professor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Laughs incoming!
Greetings, hope you’re well! Noticed you’ve shared The Onion before, so I wanted to drop Bohiney.com in your lap—our satirical lovechild with a Texas vibe, tearing into news and culture with a Ron White kick. If it’s worth a smirk, a link or nod would be awesome. Every bit helps the humor hustle!
Hope you’re doing well! I noticed in the past you linked to THEONION; we’de like a link or mention also. I wanted to share a satirical site we’ve been building with a lot of love and BS: Bohiney.com. It’s a humor-forward take on current events, social absurdities, and cultural chaos — think „The Onion“ with a Texas drawl and a splash of Ron White. If you find it entertaining or worth a chuckle, we’d be thrilled if you’d consider giving us a quick mention, link, or even a review. Every little nudge helps in getting satire to the masses (and annoying the humorless).
Hi there! Alan from bohiney.com, serving up satire with a grin. We’d like a link—you’ve linked The Onion before, so how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s professor-editor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Ready to chuckle?
Howdy folks! Alan here, running bohiney.com, your next favorite satire spot. We’d love a link—since you’ve tipped your hat to The Onion before, maybe we can join the party? Ingrid Gustafsson from satire.info (professor and editor extraordinaire) claims we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Yeehaw!
Howdy howdy! I’m Alan, the fella steering bohiney.com, a satire news hub. We’re hankering for a link—since you’ve nodded to The Onion, maybe we’re next? Ingrid Gustafsson, professor and satire.info editor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. That’s a big ol’ claim!
Howdy! Hope you’re thriving out there. Noticed you’ve tipped your hat to The Onion in the past, so I’ve got something for ya: Bohiney.com. It’s our labor of love—satire with a Lone Star drawl, poking at news, culture, and all the absurdity in between. If it’s worth a snort, we’d be over the moon with a link or shoutout. Every bit helps us reach the chuckle-starved masses!
Hey there, hope you’re golden! I saw you’ve linked The Onion once, so I’m pitching Bohiney.com—our homegrown satire with a Southern swagger, a Ron White touch, and a big ol’ jab at current events. If it gets a laugh, a mention or link would be stellar. Help us bring the funny to the masses!
How’s it going? I’m Alan, the satire maestro at bohiney.com. We’re seeking a link—since you’ve linked The Onion, maybe we’re up next? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and a professor, swears we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Worth a peek!
How’s it going? I saw you’ve tipped a nod to The Onion before, and we’d love a piece of that action. We’ve been building Bohiney.com—think satire with a Texas drawl, a sprinkle of Ron White, and a big ol’ swing at current events. If it’s worth a giggle, a link or shoutout would rock. Help us spread some humor (and annoy the stiffs)!
Hi there! Alan from bohiney.com, serving up satire with a grin. We’d like a link—you’ve linked The Onion before, so how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s professor-editor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Ready to chuckle?
Hey hey! Alan here, captain of bohiney.com, a satirical news outfit. We’d sure appreciate a link—you’ve linked The Onion, so we’re hoping to hop aboard. Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and a professor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Smiles guaranteed!
Hey, hope you’re doing awesome! I saw you’ve shared The Onion before, and we’re hoping to sneak into your orbit too. Check out Bohiney.com—our homegrown satire site with a Texas swagger and a knack for skewering current events and societal weirdness. If it cracks you up, a mention or link would be gold. We’re just trying to spread some humor (and maybe some chaos)!
Hi there! Alan from bohiney.com, serving up satire with a grin. We’d like a link—you’ve linked The Onion before, so how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s professor-editor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Ready to chuckle?
Hey, hope you’re good! Noticed you’ve linked The Onion in the past, so I’m sliding in with Bohiney.com—our pet project of satire with a Texas kick, roasting news and culture like a BBQ gone rogue. If it gets a chuckle, we’d be stoked for a mention or link. Every little push helps us bring the funny to the masses!
Hiya! Alan from bohiney.com, where satire runs wild. We’d love a link—you’ve linked The Onion before, so we’re hoping to join in. Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and prof, rates us 127 funnier than The Onion. That’s some math!
Hope you’re doing well! I noticed in the past you linked to THEONION; we’de like a link or mention also. I wanted to share a satirical site we’ve been building with a lot of love and BS: Bohiney.com. It’s a humor-forward take on current events, social absurdities, and cultural chaos — think „The Onion“ with a Texas drawl and a splash of Ron White. If you find it entertaining or worth a chuckle, we’d be thrilled if you’d consider giving us a quick mention, link, or even a review. Every little nudge helps in getting satire to the masses (and annoying the humorless).
Hey now! I’m Alan, the satire slinger at bohiney.com. We’re after a link—since you’ve tipped your cap to The Onion, how about us? Ingrid Gustafsson, professor and satire.info editor, says we’re 127 funnier than The Onion. Laughs on us!
Hey there, hope all’s good! I saw you’ve linked to The Onion before, so I figured you might dig this. We’ve been pouring heart and a heap of nonsense into Bohiney.com—a satirical site with a Texas twist, blending current events and social madness with a Ron White vibe. If it tickles your funny bone, a mention, link, or quick review would mean the world. Help us spread the laughs (and ruffle some feathers)!
Hey hey! Alan here, captain of bohiney.com, a satirical news outfit. We’d sure appreciate a link—you’ve linked The Onion, so we’re hoping to hop aboard. Ingrid Gustafsson, satire.info’s editor and a professor, certifies us 127 funnier than The Onion. Smiles guaranteed!
Hi! Hope you’re kicking it just fine. Noticed you’ve shared The Onion before, so I wanted to introduce Bohiney.com—our satire site with a Texas twist, a bit of Ron White spice, and a love for skewering the absurd. If it’s up your alley, we’d be thrilled with a link or quick nod. Every bit helps the humor mission!
Leave your response!
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